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Buy Viagra Online Cheap: Secure and Budget-Friendly Options

Are you struggling with your sexual function problems then this blog is for you? We are Urcurecorner and in this blog, we will explore the medicine called “Viagra”. We will understand what it is, its working methodology, interactions, doses, side effects and many other important facts that everyone should know. In the End, we will discuss how one can get Viagra Online. Therefore, be with us and improve your knowledge about the Medication “Viagra”.

Introduction To Viagra: What It Is? 

Viagra is a prescription-based medicine That Is used in treating male sexual function problems, especially erectile dysfunction or impotence. The generic name of Viagra is “Sildenafil”, developed by Pfizer first to treat heart-related chest pain (angina), but later the report suggested that it is more effective in promoting erections. The active ingredient of Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate which treats ED.  

Common Uses Of Viagra

Viagra is used to treat ED(Erectile Dysfunction). Erectile Dysfunction is the case in which a person doesn’t able to hold erection to satisfy intercourse during sexual activities. ED mainly occurs with growing age, however, it can also be a sign of underlying health issues or emotional problems.

Working Methodology Of Viagra

The foremost cause of having ED issues is not flowing properly and enough blood to the penis. This is the bloody point where Viagra comes into action. When anyone takes Viagra, it helps the blood to increase its flow in the Penis. It inhibits an enzyme called PDE5 (Phosphodiesterase Type 5). This particular PDE5 enzyme breaks down a substance (cGMP) that relaxes blood vessels and helps it to flow more easily in the penis when a man is sexually stimulated.    

How Should This Medicine Be Used?

If you are taking Viagra (Slidenafil) to treat your erectile dysfunction, then follow your doctor’s directions to avoid any further issues. However, in general, the right time to use the Viagra is when you are going into sexual involvement. You can consume it 1 hour before going into the sexual activities. Keep a note that it should not be taken more than once every 24 hours. In other words, do not try to take an overdose or double dose in a single day. Avoid it if you are not having a sexual activity or have a normal and healthy intercourse time. 

Important Warnings And Suggestions

As with other medicines, Viagra also carries some warnings and suggestions. If you are taking it without being prescribed then start with a lower dose of 25-50 mg and only increase after the suggestions of your doctor. One of the most important suggestions regarding taking Viagra is to limit grapefruit products as it can create side effects when combined with Viagra. Some warnings that Viagra carries are dangerous drops in blood pressure, priapism, vision and hearing loss etc. 

Precautions While Using Viagra

Here are some precautions that one should follow before or after taking Viagra:

  • First of all, do not try to use Viagra until a medical expert prescribes you. 
  • Tell your doctor which medicines are you consuming and what are your health issues. Tell your doctor also what vitamins and nutritional supplements you are using without being prescribed. Tell also about your health history as some medications can negatively react with Viagra.
  • Keep in mind that Sildenafil is available in the market under various brand names such as Liqrev, Revetio, and Viagra. Hence, you should only be treated with one of these products at a time. Tell your doctor if you smoke.
  • Tell your doctor if you have any history of surgery related to Cardiac .
  • Tell your doctor if you have pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, chest pain, disease related to kidneys, high or low BP, or diabetes. 
  • If you are a women and take Sildenafil to heal PAH after having breastfeeding issues then also tell your doctor if you are a pregnant woman and take Sildenafil to treat PAH. Tell me even if you are planning to have a child.
  • Tell also your doctor if you are a breastfeeding woman take sildenafil to treat PAH.. 
  • Tell your if you are any histories related with dental issues and cardiac issues etc.
  • Avoid alcohol after taking Viagra.
  • Avoid physical activities immediately after taking Viagra.
  • Never consume products related with Grapefruit after consuming Viagra.
  • Do not take additional doses if feel the first dose is not working at all.

Side Effects Of Viagra

Viagra has also its own negative effects as other medications. Here are some common side effects of using Slidenafil:

  • Painful erection,
  • Erection lasts longer than 4 hours,
  • Fainting,
  • Blurred Vision,
  • Headache,
  • Heartburn,
  • Pain in muscles, back, legs and arms,
  • Sensitivity to light,
  • Chest pain,
  • Shortness of breathing,
  • Swelling of eyes, face, throat, or even lips,
  • Dizziness, 
  • Ringing in ears,
  • Congestion if nasal,
  • Nosebleeds,
  • Diarrhoea,
  • Flushing,
  • Changes in colour vision,
  • Sudden loss or decrease of hearing, 
  • Lightheadedness.

If feel any one of these after taking Viagra, inform your doctor immediately.

Interactions With Other Medicines

Viagra can interact with NitraTes, Alpha-blockers (Doxazosin, Tamsulosin), BP medications (Antihypertensive), Protease Inhibitors (Ritonavir, Saquinavir), Antifungal Medications (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole), Antibiotics (Erythromycin, ClarithromycIn), Other PDE5 inhibitors (Tadalafil, Vardenafil) etc. 

Storage And Disposal Of Viagra

Since Viagra Is made for adults, try to keep it out of reach of children. Store the tablets at normal room temperature. It means avoiding excess cold and warm places to store them. 

How To Get This Medicine?

Viagra is a well-known medicine and can be obtained through any pharmacy. You can also Buy Viagra online. However, you must not buy Viagra online without a prescription. Always buy it when your doctor prescribes you. 

Why To Get Viagra Online From Us? 

There are many reasons why you should buy generic Viagra online from Urcurecorner. Urcurecorner is an online pharmacy that then the top-rated online pharmacies. It provides Medications directly to the customers’ houses at affordable prices. We also provide authentic medicines with crazy discounts and offers. Therefore, try to contact us to buy Viagra Online Cheap


Overall Viagra is a beneficial medication in terms of erectile dysfunction. It can improve your sexual ability timing and lead you to satisfy your partner. However, it carries some warnings and side effects but after following the suggestions and directions of medical experts one can overthrow these facts. Just keep in mind that only use generic Viagra instead of local ones. One can buy Generic Viagra Online if not get it from pharmacies. We are Urcurecorner and contact us if you ever need to buy online Viagra

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